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Does Home Insurance Provide Any Liability Coverage?

Home insurance is one of the most important types of insurance that most people need. The lender requires this type of insurance, and your region may require the Homeowners Association (HOA). The HOA offers various kinds of coverage in one policy. But does it have any liability coverage? To learn more about home insurance and get started with a policy, call us at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA.

Understanding Liability Coverage in Home Insurance

When you have a home insurance policy, liability coverage is one of the coverage types. This is used when someone else has an accident. When someone is on your property, it’s possible for them to have an accident and to get injured. There is always the potential for accidents, even when things are tidy. Anyone can fall and become injured. When this happens, you would be liable for all of the costs that come from the accident. With home insurance, liability coverage can pay those bills, so you won’t have to pay them.

The Costs of an Accident

When considering liability for accidents and the bills they cause, most people think only of the medical bills. Medical bills can be costly, but they aren’t the only type of bill that would come in. There may also be legal bills that need to be paid. If the victim misses work, lost wages may be due. There could also be a need for ongoing therapies to help with healing. Home insurance can pay for all of these.

Get Home Insurance in Washington

If you don’t yet have a home policy, it’s time to get one. Never go without home insurance for as long as you own the hoCallcall us at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA t to get startedoday.

Does Renter’s Insurance Have a Coverage Limit for Personal Belongings?

Shopping for renter’s insurance requires careful consideration. You want to ensure that you have a policy that provides enough coverage for your personal needs, and some renters may have greater needs for coverage than others. If your personal property is quite expensive, for example, it’s important to ask whether any policy you buy will be able to cover these belongings automatically or if there are limits. Before you purchase renter’s insurance, let’s take a closer look at this aspect of renter’s insurance policies. When you’re ready to find the right policy, you can get started with us here at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA!

Is There a Coverage Limit for Personal Belongings When You Get Renter’s Insurance?

It’s important to know upfront that there are often two limits for coverage: the full coverage limit and sub-limits. The full coverage limit for most will suffice, ranging from as low as $10,000 to $500,000. However, many policies have sub-limits. If you’re someone worried about their jewelry being stolen or damaged, you will want to pay attention to these sub-limits as your policy may only cover up to $1,200 in jewelry, for example. More than that, certain belongings that are deemed to be quite valuable may require separate insurance to cover them as they may not be covered under normal policies. To put it plainly, there are not only coverage limits, but coverage sub-limits and even exclusions that could affect the safety of your belongings. Pay attention to all these to ensure you get the coverage you deserve.

Start Shopping for Renter’s Insurance With Securum LLC

Are you more knowledgeable about renter’s insurance and ready to find a policy that works for you? The team here at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, is always ready to connect you with a policy that’s right for your needs. Compare quotes with us today or contact us with any questions you may have!

Types of Protection in RV Insurance Policies

An RV is a unique blend of a home and a vehicle, requiring a special type of insurance policy written specifically for RVs. If your RV is currently uninsured or if you’re considering changing your RV policy, contact us at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA.

Vehicle Coverage

Several types of coverage in RV insurance are similar to regular auto insurance. These include liability coverage types such as bodily injury liability and property damage liability, which cover the expenses incurred by the other party if you’re involved in an accident. Other types of vehicle coverage that can be included in an RV policy, though not required, include comprehensive coverage that pays for certain damage to the RV when it’s not being driven and collision coverage that pays for damage to your own vehicle from a collision.

Living Quarters Coverage

The RV’s living area requires its own specific types of coverage. This includes personal items on board as well as any equipment. Many individual items can be found in an RV, including furnishings, clothing, appliances, etc. When you have RV insurance, it’s important to ensure all of the interior of the passenger section is covered in case of damage or destruction. If you have expensive equipment on board, you must be sure you have enough coverage to pay for it in case of an accident or other incident.

Securing RV Insurance in Washington

If you own an RV, you need a specialty insurance policy for it. Contact Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, to get started on the right policy.

Boat Liability Coverage – Protection While Towing and Operating Your Watercraft

An accident can occur at any time while you are operating your watercraft. Ensuring adequate liability protection will help mitigate unexpected costs from incidents where you are found at fault.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is a specialized type of boat insurance that protects against boating accidents resulting in injury or damage to another person’s property. This type of coverage will keep you compliant and minimize out-of-pocket costs.

Towing Variables

Will you be using your boat to tow another watercraft or recreational equipment? Towing items behind your boat increases your chances of being involved in an accident while operating it.

Towing equipment can become detached from your boat unexpectedly. Weakened or damaged equipment can also contribute to accidents.

All the essential equipment you use when operating your boat can be added to your boat insurance policy. Covering these items will allow you to recoup costs that you are responsible for paying during legal proceedings.

Boat Usage Considerations

The activities for which you will be using your boat could increase the need for liability protection. If others are boarding your boat and spending time on it while it is actively operating, you need to consider the likelihood of an accident or damage occurring.

The type of equipment that will be used on your boat could influence whether you acquire a basic or comprehensive liability insurance product.

Contact an Insurance Agent in Lynnwood, WA

If you’re ready to add more liability protection to your boat insurance policy, contact one of our agents at Securum LLC. An agent will help you compare different liability insurance products.

Umbrella Insurance: Protecting Your Assets

Many believe they don’t need umbrella insurance because they might become ‘over-insured.’ However, umbrella insurance is designed to provide extra coverage for those who need it. If certain premiums are maxed out, it can benefit individuals and business owners. If you’re still unsure, our professionals at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, can help guide you through what you need to know.

What Does Umbrella Insurance Do For Your Assets?

Umbrella insurance enhances your coverage by providing additional coverage beyond your standard insurance. A policy may have specific limits or limitations on what is covered. Adding umbrella insurance allows you to extend your coverage beyond these minimum limits.

Furthermore, umbrella insurance can provide asset protection, help with legal defense costs if items are damaged or stolen, and even help with savings. All these elements are essential when insuring your assets. Otherwise, you could be out of luck if you hit the cap on your policy.

What Should I Know Before Adding Umbrella Insurance?

Before adding umbrella insurance, you’ll want to check a few aspects of your existing policy. Firstly, check your policy’s limits and limitations. Some policies have much higher coverages than others, so you may not need umbrella insurance.

Next, check for any exclusions. Many policies have exclusions or limitations that aren’t included in the coverage. If you don’t check carefully, you may miss something that you thought was covered but isn’t. If this is the case, adding umbrella insurance could help with that coverage.

How to Choose What Umbrella Insurance You Need

Since umbrella insurance is added to existing policies, it can be confusing to determine when you need it. Talking to a professional at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, can help if you’re debating whether you need the extra coverage. We’re here to discuss policy options and help you find the one you need. All you need to do is contact us today.

What’s the Difference Between Liability Coverage and Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

Understanding Auto Insurance: Liability vs Full Coverage

Auto insurance can get a bit tricky. It’s crucial to fathom what your policy covers. The professional agents at Securum LLC, serving Lynnwood, WA, encourage you to discern the difference between liability and full coverage auto insurance and acquire the apt coverage.

Liability Insurance: Covers Damage or Injuries to Others

Liability insurance is the minimum amount of auto insurance mandatory in Lynnwood, WA, and most states. This coverage deals with damage and injuries that occur due to an accident. If the accident is your fault, your liability insurance will bear for the other person’s medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and other costs correlated with the accident. It’s important to remember that this does not cover your vehicle or injuries. Here are the two key components of liability insurance:

  • Bodily Injury Liability: This insurance covers medical expenses, lost wages, and legal fees if someone is injured in an accident and it is your fault.
  • Property Damage Liability: This insurance covers repairs to the other person’s vehicle or property that is damaged in an accident that is your fault.

Full Coverage Insurance: Covers Your Damage and Injuries

Full coverage auto insurance offers more protection than basic liability. If you carry a loan on your vehicle, you are necessitated to have comprehensive insurance that provides additional coverage, including:

  • Collision Coverage: If you have an accident, regardless of whose fault it is, collision insurance pays to repair or replace your vehicle.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage remunerates for repairs for all other damages such as fire, theft, and vandalism.

Contact Securum LLC For Washington Auto Insurance Coverage

Whether you are a novice or veteran driver, having the right insurance will safeguard you and your investment and provide peace of mind. Contact the expert Securum LLC team serving Lynnwood, WA, today.

How Often Should I Review My Commercial Insurance?

Business owners are responsible for keeping their commercial insurance current with business, client, and regulatory changes. Annual insurance reviews will address many changes, while other events should trigger near-term reviews. If you live in or near Lynnwood, WA, and want to discuss your commercial insurance coverage, contact the Securum LLC team.

Business Changes Require Commercial Insurance Reviews

Each firm’s commercial insurance needs vary based on its size, industry, legal structure, and other dimensions, but commercial insurance generally covers a range of business assets and activities. That means your insurance needs can change due to numerous factors. As a business owner, you should review your insurance needs based on a schedule and due to specific events.

Annual Review

You should review your insurance coverage annually to account for

  • Changes in revenue, inventory, or assets
  • Regulatory changes in your industry

Other events that should trigger a review as they occur include:

Business Changes

  • New products and services not named in your policy
  • New or updated facilities and equipment

First or New Employees

  • Workers’ Compensation insurance is required of employers
  • Fidelity bonding insurance is needed when employees handle money
  • New employees may require additional vehicles

Business Structure Changes

  • Incorporating, adding a Board of Directors, or other legal changes
  • Mergers, acquisitions, and other structural changes

New Clients and Vendors

  • New clients and vendors may have contractual insurance requirements

While many changes require additional insurance coverage, others allow for eliminating or reducing coverage.

Keep Your Insurance Up to Date with Securum LLC

The Securum LLC team serves the personal and commercial insurance needs of those in and near Lynnwood, WA. We will help create or update an insurance plan to protect your business and its assets. Call us today at (206) 315-7984 to discuss your insurance needs.

Is Work From Home Covered By Home Insurance? Securum LLC

In the wake of the global shift towards remote work, many individuals transform their living spaces into home offices. As work-from-home becomes more popular, an important question arises: Is your work-from-home setup covered by your home insurance? At Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, a leading provider of insurance solutions, we shed light on this increasingly relevant issue. While the convenience and flexibility of working from home are undeniable, the implications for insurance coverage may not be as straightforward.

How Home Insurance Can cover Work From Home

Home insurance coverage typically protects against damages or losses related to the physical structure of a property, such as fire or theft. However, with the increasing prevalence of remote work, it’s crucial to consider how this setup can impact home insurance coverage. While standard home insurance policies may not explicitly cover work-from-home scenarios, additional riders or endorsements can be added to provide coverage for business-related equipment and liabilities. This is particularly important for those running businesses from home, as they may require specialized coverage options to safeguard their professional interests.

Working from home could introduce new risks that traditional home insurance policies may not cover. For instance, if a client visits your home office and gets injured on your property during a work meeting, liability coverage through your homeowner’s policy might not be sufficient to cover potential legal expenses. Therefore, it’s advisable to review your existing policy with an insurance agent to identify any gaps in coverage related to remote work activities. 

Contact Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA for Homeowners Insurance

The professionals at Securum LLC are here for all of your insurance needs. Contact us today to learn about more insurance options for working from home.

Three Types of Protection in Your Renter’s Insurance

Renter’s insurance is a must if you’re renting your home. It protects you in many ways, and each may be important to you with the risks you face as a renter. If you’re renting, make sure renter’s insurance always covers you. Not only will your landlord require it, but you shouldn’t be left to face many risks without any protection. Renter’s insurance comes at a low price and offers a lot of coverage. To get started with a policy, call us at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA.

Possession Protection

Your belongings represent a lot of investment and are worth a lot when you add them all together. That’s why you need renter’s insurance to protect your belongings. When a damaging event happens that costs you your belongings, the policy can pay for them to be replaced. It’s wise to always have this coverage because of the wide range of risks that your belongings pose.

Liability Protection

If someone came over to your home and became injured, you would be liable as the leaseholder. Renter’s insurance protects you against this risk as well. It can pay for the expenses that come due after someone has an accident, such as medical costs and lost wages. It may also include legal fees that could be highly expensive without this coverage. 

Livability Protection

When your home is damaged and you need to live elsewhere until it’s livable again, such as after a disaster, renter’s insurance also covers you. The policy can pay for you to live somewhere else while the repairs are being made to your rented home. This can be an expensive prospect without insurance. 

Get Your Renter’s Insurance 

Never go without renter’s insurance. Call us at Securum LLC in Lynnwood, WA, to find out more. 

Should I Purchase Extra RV Coverage During the Summer?

No one wants to drive their RV during dangerous winter weather, so most people vacation in their RVs during the summer. While spring and fall are popular months for consumers to take their RVs on excursions, summer remains the top season for RV vacations. Not only is the weather warm during the summer, but most people have time off work during the months of June, July, and August. If you are among the many who take summer vacations in your recreational vehicle, you might wonder if you should purchase extra RV coverage during this time. Here is an overview that could help you decide if it’s necessary:

Is Your Current Coverage Adequate?

You want to ensure adequate RV coverage before considering additional insurance. If you know exactly how much your RV is worth and your coverage meets or exceeds its worth, then your current coverage is adequate.

Do You Only Drive Your RV a Week or Two Out of the Year?

If so, purchasing extra RV coverage could be a waste of money. As long as you have adequate coverage, it doesn’t matter when you use your RV, as there’s no need to overpay. 

If you’re ever in doubt, you could always purchase extra RV coverage during the summer months only to be on the safe side. If you travel a lot in your recreational vehicle during the summer, you’re at increased risk of becoming involved in an automobile accident. If you’re seeking a new insurer and a Lynnwood, WA resident, we at Securum LLC are accepting new customers. We at Securum LLC pride ourselves on the exemplary service and coverage we provide our customers. Contact us today so that we can give you a quote. We provide coverage for Lynnwood, WA, and beyond. 

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